FWD: New Page proposed to highlight Ubuntu's modifications to GNOME

Jon Duncan nmath at herofinn.com
Tue May 3 02:05:33 UTC 2022

Hello all,

I've submitted the following merge proposal for a new page to be added to ubuntu-docs.
This page is intended to describe Ubuntu's modifications to GNOME.  Currently this is a short list of the items I felt were the most significant modifications per @jbicha on the following discourse thread:


I am open to suggestions and discussion about adding this new page.  Do we think a new page is a good way to go about documenting these modifications?  Should we include other items, or links?

This is also my first merge proposal on the documentation team, so please let me know if I've done something incorrectly or outside of the convention that's expected from the documentation team.


FWD: [Merge] ~nmath/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:master into ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:ubuntu/devel

Date: May 2, 2022, 18:55
From: mp+421115 at code.launchpad.net
To: mp+421115 at code.launchpad.net
Subject: [Merge] ~nmath/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:master into ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:ubuntu/devel

> Jon Duncan has proposed merging ~nmath/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:master into ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:ubuntu/devel.
> Commit message:
> new page "gnome-on-ubuntu.page" that lists the differences between GNOME on Ubuntu and Vanilla GNOME
> Requested reviews:
> git-ubuntu import (git-ubuntu-import)
> For more details, see:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~nmath/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+git/ubuntu-docs/+merge/421115
> I've added a new page: "gnome-on-ubuntu.page" to "ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C".  This page is intended to list the differences between GNOME on Ubuntu compared to "Vanilla" GNOME from the GNOME developers. 
> -- 
> You are the owner of ~nmath/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs:master.

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