I can help

John Shipp ubuntu-doc at nospam.jshipp.com
Wed Jul 22 21:10:07 UTC 2020

I went ahead and created a new article from scratch, but there's more
work I want to do on it before we link to it from anywhere, and I'd
really like to get more confirmation from somewhere that I'm not being
Here's my new article:
https://help.ubuntu.com/com id="-x-evo-selection-start-marker">munity/MountCifsFstab
I plan on testing it on Ubuntu 20.04, 18,04,16.04, and 14.04 and against
windows 10,8,7, vista and maybe XP, and adjusting the article as needed.
 I'm also going to show some benchmarks to show people how much faster
this type of mount is compared to the gui's userland fuse mount.
I'm proposing it to REPLACE all the following pages:
I am aware the first link is official documentation that ships with
ubuntu.  I believe my new page has all the content that people are
looking for from those 4 pages, minus the obsolete stuff.   The way I
look at it is people can google the obsolete stuff if they need.  The
documentation that normal people are expected to use isn't the place for
obsolete stuff.  If everybody is cool with this, I'll continue making
major updates like this without bothering the mailing list about
everything if that's cool with everybody.  Btw, how many people are on
this mailing list?  And how many are actually active?
My samba article would absolutely be relevant on servers, possibly even
more relevant than it is on desktops because desktops have an easier way
baked into the gui (userland's fuse cifs client) and servers commonly
need a persistent and high performance mount.  I also plan on creating a
new page about mounting windows shares from the GUI and showing how to
do it with screenshots in each major flavor of ubuntu.

On Wed, 2020-07-22 at 06:36 -0700, Doug Smythies wrote:
> Hi John,
> Just catching up.Your help anywhere here would be most welcome.
> You mention some samba stuff. Consider if your ability to contribute
> would be better suited for the samba area of the Ubuntu serverguide
> [1].
> [1] https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/samba-introduction.
> ... Doug

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