Fuzzy translations

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 22 15:43:15 UTC 2017

On 2017-03-15 09:18, Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
> I have downloaded ubuntu-help xenial (100% translated) and zesty
> (Untranslated: 252), merged the two, and the result was this: Not
> ready 171, Untranslated 83.
> I checked and approved the fuzzies in Lokalize (my favourite CAT),
> this doesn't take much time, and uploaded the new file to Launchpad.
> All we have to do now is translate the remaining 83 messages (instead
> of 252!!) in Launchpad.

I used this method for the Swedish ubuntu-help translation, and it 
proved to be very helpful, since there are quite a few small changes to 
multi-sentence strings in zesty.

Many thanks for sharing the method, and thanks to Ask for explaining it 
further so even I understand. :)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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