Can you read this email? (second attempt)

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Thu Mar 2 01:38:28 UTC 2017

On 2017.03.01 15:33 Alberto Salvia Novella wrote:

> Kevin Godby:
>> Yes, this message came through successfully.
> Then the problem is that the mailing list is filtering any message which 
> has an attachment, at least of a certain size.
> This will silently left out any email which is digitally signed, 
> probably also using GPG.
> The configuration needs to be reviewed. Specially silently dropping 
> messages under this criteria is a bad thing.
> Thanks for your attention.

Yes, but your e-mails got through to other Ubuntu e-mail lists just fine.
I am still not understanding that.

I also do not understand some of the other missing e-mails. That had no
attachment or digital signature or whatever.

... Doug

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