[desktop] ubuntu-docs branch ready for yakkety

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 19 21:14:27 UTC 2016

On 2016-06-19 19:53, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:27 AM, Gunnar Hjalmarsson
> <gunnarhj at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> With this the Bazaar branch lp:ubuntu-docs is ready for the 16.10 
>> editing. There are three months left before
>> "DocumentationStringFreeze" on September 15.
> Thanks for announcing this, Gunnar. I've added this announcement to 
> the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter so the broader community is made aware
> of the ability to edit this documentation now.
> It occurred to me when summarizing this post for the newsletter,
> that it would be helpful to also include a reminder link on to how to
> edit this documentation, so new comers not only know what this link
> means, but how to submit merge proposals to the documentation. So
> here you go:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/SystemDocumentation/UbuntuDesktopGuide

Thanks Lyz, both for highlighting it in the Weekly Newsletter and for
adding the link to the Getting Started page.

Can add that we are happy to give beginners a helping hand. Just post
your questions to this list.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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