Proposed change to Unity Control Center power panel

Will Cooke will.cooke at
Wed Jul 6 16:41:31 UTC 2016

Hi all,

The power panel in 16.04 currently looks like [1] (ignore the odd font).

I am proposing that we change it to [2].  i.e. remove the the "When power
is critically low" section.

The reason for this is that since we moved to systemd, Upower is
responsible for what happens when the power is critically low, and the user
currently has no control over this (short of editing systemd conf files).
This setting in unity-control-center now does nothing and will lead to
confusion and frustration for users.

I have opened this bug and proposed a branch to remove this section:

I would also like to suggest that we strongly consider SRU'ing this in to
16.04 as I think the LTS is a legitimate target for this improvement.

I will address the overall issue of hybrid suspend vs normal suspend

Please let me know what you think about SRUing this in to 16.04.1.



P.S. Gunnar, you're too fast!  Sorry I didn't get this email out before you
found the bug report. :)

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