Spam is happening again

Nio Wiklund nio.wiklund at
Fri Feb 19 06:25:50 UTC 2016

Den 2016-02-18 kl. 21:45, skrev Elizabeth K. Joseph:
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 6:05 AM, Nio Wiklund <nio.wiklund at> wrote:
>> It seems we cannot have an open wiki system. Either some people enjoy
>> spamming when and where it is possible, or there is one particular
>> enemy, that really tries hard to destroy our open system.
> I think it would be a serious loss to our community to give up all the
> drive by contributions we get from random people on the documentation
> wiki ( who find ways they can fix
> things up and then go about their lives.
> There are many wikis in the world that operate fine without spam, ours
> was fine until the end of December. It's just a matter of working to
> control it like others have :)
> The bigger issue that this spam attack highlighted was that there are
> performance problems and a maintenance overhead with maintaining the
> current system running on MoinMoin. This has gotten to the point where
> teams have stopped using and are using other tools or
> setting up their own wikis, which is why alternate platforms have been
> proposed.

Den 2016-02-18 kl. 16:03, skrev Alberto Salvia Novella:
> Nio Wiklund:
>> Either some people enjoy spamming when and where it is possible, or
>> there is one particular enemy, that really tries hard to destroy our
>> open system.


> Has re-captcha been tried?

Hi, Elizabeth, Alberto and everybody else,

I see your concern about drive by contributions we get from random
people on the documentation wiki ( who
find ways they can fix things up and then go about their lives.

Maybe we can manage to remove manual spamming. Then it is a good idea to
try to lock out bots with some kind of re-captcha (that is difficult
enough for automatic image analysis).

Best regards

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