No one theme displays all available wiki formatting correctly

najevi najevi at
Tue Dec 15 00:48:21 UTC 2015

Wow, that was quick!

I agree that the stylish proof of concept patch fixes the appearance of the
formatting shortfalls mentioned for the "light" theme.

Reviewing the rest of hose two sample wiki pages I see that
1. unnumbered lists using * are getting numbered (appending ul li {
list-style-type: disc; } to your patch perhaps? )
2. ordered lists using I and i are getting decimal numbers (
list-style-type: upper-roman  and  lower-roman is required )
3. ordered lists using A and a are getting decimal numbers (
list-style-type: upper-alpha and  lower-alpha is required )

More complicated lists that switch from bullet (*) to number (1) to letter
(A) also display badly. see

I am a novice when it comes to CSS but with enough hours would figure out
what you will no doubt solve in minutes!

Once worked around via Stylish it will be easy to forget that the newcomer
to the wiki does not benefit from these patches until the "light" (default)
theme is patched.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:37 AM, Pasi Lallinaho <pasi at>

> On 14/12/15 22:13, najevi wrote:
> The default wiki theme is "light"
> Italics, superscript and subscript are not displayed correctly using this
> default theme.
> Appending "?action=print" to a wiki page url does correctly display some
> of this missing formatting but does not display _underline_ format (and
> possibly other formatting that I overlooked).
> Other available themes are no more complete in their ability to display
> all available wiki formatting.
> To avoid scope-creep at (
>  I am mailing this
> feedback to <ubuntu-doc at>ubuntu-doc at
> which might be a more appropriate target audience.
> Perhaps an administrator of the Ubuntu Community Wiki could review the
> Themes made available to a wiki user against the various formatting options
> available at the wiki.
> Useful test wiki pages are:
> and
> The user accessible themes selected at
> <>
> are:
> classic, modern, modernized, modernized_cms, rightsidebar, ubununew, light
> (the default) and kubuntunew
> *ubuntunew* cannot be applied for some reason
> *classic, modern, modernized, modernized_cms, rightsidebar *and
> *kubuntunew* display:
> italics, super/sub script and most other formats
> (but _not_ underline _nor_ strike-through _nor_ colorized code aka Syntax
> Highlighting _nor_ smileys)
> "*light*" theme
> displays underline, strike-through, SyntaxHighlighting, smileys and most
> other formats
> (but _not_ italics _nor_ super/sub script)
> So although "light" looks like the best compromise, I have to believe it
> is possible to fix light (the default) so that all available formatting is
> correctly displayed.
> (I am willing to invest time to figure out this detail.)
> Hello,
> I've replied to the mentioned bug along with an attachment that has a
> proof-of-concept fix for the issue in the light theme.
> Feel free to contact me on further questions; email works but IRC is
> preferred (my nick is knome in the Freenode IRC Network).
> Cheers,
> Pasi
> --
> Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                »
> Leader of the Shimmer Project         »
> Ubuntu member, Xubuntu Website lead   »
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