No one theme displays all available wiki formatting correctly

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at
Mon Dec 14 20:37:40 UTC 2015

On 14/12/15 22:13, najevi wrote:
> The default wiki theme is "light"
> Italics, superscript and subscript are not displayed correctly using
> this default theme.
> Appending "?action=print" to a wiki page url does correctly display
> some of this missing formatting but does not display _underline_
> format (and possibly other formatting that I overlooked).
> Other available themes are no more complete in their ability to
> display all available wiki formatting.
> To avoid scope-creep at
> (  I am mailing
> this feedback to ubuntu-doc at
> <mailto:ubuntu-doc at> which might be a more appropriate
> target audience.
> Perhaps an administrator of the Ubuntu Community Wiki could review the
> Themes made available to a wiki user against the various formatting
> options available at the wiki.
> Useful test wiki pages are:
> and
> The user accessible themes selected at 
> are:
> classic, modern, modernized, modernized_cms, rightsidebar, ubununew,
> light (the default) and kubuntunew
> *ubuntunew* cannot be applied for some reason
> *classic, modern, modernized, modernized_cms, rightsidebar *and
> *kubuntunew* display:
> italics, super/sub script and most other formats
> (but _not_ underline _nor_ strike-through _nor_ colorized code aka
> Syntax Highlighting _nor_ smileys)
> "*light*" theme
> displays underline, strike-through, SyntaxHighlighting, smileys and
> most other formats
> (but _not_ italics _nor_ super/sub script)
> So although "light" looks like the best compromise, I have to believe
> it is possible to fix light (the default) so that all available
> formatting is correctly displayed.
> (I am willing to invest time to figure out this detail.)


I've replied to the mentioned bug along with an attachment that has a
proof-of-concept fix for the issue in the light theme.

Feel free to contact me on further questions; email works but IRC is
preferred (my nick is knome in the Freenode IRC Network).


Pasi Lallinaho (knome)                »
Leader of the Shimmer Project         »
Ubuntu member, Xubuntu Website lead   »

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