Page correction

Kevin Godby godbyk at
Sat Dec 13 17:49:49 UTC 2014

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 9:18 AM, Peter Matulis
<peter.matulis at> wrote:
> Please go ahead and make the correction yourself.

I have to say that I find these kinds of replies to emails and bug
reports to be terribly unhelpful. They're unfriendly and don't
engender the sort of help and support that the docs team claims they

If someone has posted a bug report or written an email about a bug
they've found on the wiki, it's likely for one of a couple reasons:
(1) they didn't realize that they were capable of editing the wiki
page themselves, or (2) they didn't want to take the time to edit the
wiki page themselves.

In the case of (1), we should offer instructions on how they can edit
the wiki page themselves. This way the reporter can fix such bugs on
their own in the future without our continued help.

In the case of (2), either we care enough to fix the bug ourselves, or
it will remain unfixed.

In either case, responding with the off-putting 'fix it yourself!'
style of response is deleterious to building a docs team and

In the future, I think a better response would look something like this:

Hi, Jay.

Thanks for reporting this bug!

Since this bug is on the wiki page, anyone can make corrections to the
page directly. To edit the wiki page yourself, you'll first need to
log in. At the top of the page, click the 'Login to edit' link. You
can log in with your Ubuntu One or Launchpad email address and
password or create a new account if you don't already have one. After
you log in, you'll see a Personal Data Request page. Ensure that all
of the checkboxes are checked before clicking the 'Yes, log me in'
button. You will then be returned to the wiki page.

Next, at the top of the wiki page, click the Edit link. Make any
changes necessary to the text of the page to fix the bug. Add a short
note in the comment box describing your changes and then click the
'Save Changes' button at the top of the text box.

If you have any questions about this process or need further
assistance, please feel free to contact us.

If you don't have time to make the edits yourself, please let us know
and we'll take care of it.

Thanks again for reporting this bug!


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