utopic branch

Kevin Godby godbyk at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 02:56:10 UTC 2014

Hi, Stephen.

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Stephen M. Webb
<stephen.webb at canonical.com> wrote:
> That's strikingly backwards and defeats the entire point of revision control.
> I would recommend following the best practice of branching what's been released (14.04) and maintaining that in a new
> series, while trunk is always trunk and up to date,.
> In fact, using bzr and Launchpad, the 14.04 series and trunk can be the same thing (and 14.04.01 releases made from the
> 14.04 series, which is still trunk) and the series only diverge when necessary.  I don't expect a lot of desktop changes
> in 14.10.
> Maintaining history is pretty much the point of revision control.  Truncating history is wrong and gets you nothing.  If
> you don't want the entire history copied locally, you can check out only recent revisions.

My primary complaint is that the repository is rather large and most
people don't need nor care about the history. It downloads about 200
MB of data which consumes 132 MB of disk space. The exported branch
consumes half that.

So what are the best practices for bzr? Is there a way to branch from
Launchpad without downloading the entire history going back three



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