utopic branch

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Fri Apr 25 06:23:57 UTC 2014

On 2014.04.24 21:29 Gunnar wrote:
> On 2014-04-25 05:59, Kevin Godby wrote:
>> Should we instead create a fresh branch and copy over the extant
>> files, abandoning the revision history?

> Personally I wouldn't mind if we skip the history in the new branch. The
> old branch will still be there, if you want to look back for some reason.

Good point.

> With the desktop guide in mind, I feel that it may be wise to wait a few
> months. For instance, we could keep making changes in the 14.04 branch
> for a while, to make a SRU easier before the 14.04.1 release. That way
> we wouldn't need to duplicate anything due to such a SRU. It will take a
> while before there are documentable 14.10 specific changes anyway.

If we think we will actually do point releases
(which typically we have not), then this is a good idea.

... Doug

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