grub2 pages
Phill Whiteside
PhillW at
Thu Sep 19 21:46:24 UTC 2013
as from about now until Thursday is going to be quite busy for me, if you
(or anyone having a try) gets stuck, ping me on IRC, channel #ubuntu-doc
(just type in phillw and I will be pinged) If I'm about then I can go
through questions far quicker on IRC than on email. If I do not respond
within 10 minutes, then do feel free to email. My iso testing and bug
chasing role must now take priority to ensure we have a good 13.10 release
:) We never know how a milestone test is going to go until we get people
testing it!
Yeah, the doc freeze is imminent. I've taken a big step back from various
teams to recharge my own batteries, lubuntu and wiki / docs is currently
the limit of what I will undertake. Come 14.04 I will be getting much more
involved with the manual / docs / wiki side of things, it feels like I'm
coming home!
@all, never be worried to ping me, if I'm about I'll answer within about 10
minutes. If you get used to having the #ubuntu-doc area open, then I will
always respond to a ping.
On 19 September 2013 22:17, David Manuel Pires <slickymaster at>wrote:
> Hi guys,
> On 19 September 2013 21:31, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at> wrote:
>> That page would be an excellent one for people to cut their teeth with!
>> To those who are taking the plunge, may I give a little piece of personal
>> advice? When editing a page and you're not 100% of a formatting option,
>> open up the two links provided when you enter editing mode:
>> and
>> as separate tabs. In fact,
>> I'd go as far as to suggest bookmarking them and reading through them in
>> small chunks over several days. It really is good information. (I have them
>> both bookmarked).
>> Do not worry about messing up, use the preview button to see how things
>> look. If you get really confused as to where you are you up to, use the
>> cancel button. Also remember that unless you actually delete attachments
>> any alterations can be rolled back. There is nothing to fear in wiki
>> editing except fear itself :)
>> Regards,
>> Phill.
> Even though I'm a complete newbie at it, I would like to help an to take a
> stab at it, provided I get some help and tutoring from you.
> We all have to start somewhere I do want to take a plunge into it, now
> that my work with the Manual Team, editing the 13.10 upcoming manual, is
> almost done.
> Regards,
> David
>> On 19 September 2013 21:24, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:
>>> Hi Phill :)
>>> I think we might well be able to handle this one without you! The main
>>> aim was to find something people could useful get embroiled in so that they
>>> can rack-up some questions about wiki-editing.
>>> So, don't worry about this one this time chap :)
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Phill Whiteside <phillw at>
>>> *To:* Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
>>> *Cc:* MARTIN DIXON <mh.dixon at>; "
>>> ubuntu-doc at" <ubuntu-doc at>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 19 September 2013, 21:02
>>> *Subject:* Re: grub2 pages
>>> I should be able to help out with grub2 stuff, I'd need to dust off
>>> the cobwebs but I did work with drs305 (Dave Stan) on getting instructions
>>> up back when grub2 was launched. However, I do ask that everyone understand
>>> that as an iso-tester and admin guy for lubuntu-qa my time is getting a bit
>>> more limited as we approach the release of 13.10. The final beta is out on
>>> Monday with lubuntu having 7 sets of ISO's to test by Thursday, along with
>>> a rather ugly bug that has just cropped up this late in the cycle in the
>>> kernel, it's a getting busy!
>>> Regards,
>>> Phill.
>>> On 19 September 2013 20:52, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at> wrote:
>>> Hi :)
>>> I think all the technical stuff is there so it's hopefully just a case
>>> of deleting my bit about "signposting from older links" and then maybe
>>> smoothing out some of the rest of it and maybe de-geekifying some bits.
>>> So, i suspect that you might be an ideal person for the challenge. You
>>> probably wont be able to read the whole page because there is quite a lot
>>> of it so maybe just do a small chunk at a time.
>>> I think the idea is that each paragraph might be enough of a nudge to
>>> someone who used to know the subject area but then gives a link to people
>>> who need more detail? Although it might be that paragraphs are just a
>>> brief intro before giving the link to the relevant sub-page. I'm not sure
>>> which is best in each case.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* MARTIN DIXON <mh.dixon at>
>>> *To:* Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>; "ubuntu-doc at"
>>> <ubuntu-doc at>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 19 September 2013, 20:39
>>> *Subject:* Re: grub2 pages
>>> @Tom How much of a challenge for one who knows nothing about Grub or
>>> sub-pages? Serious question - the bigger the challenge the more you learn.
>>> (Dentist tomorrow so don't rush back)
>>> Regards Martin
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From:* Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
>>> *To:* "ubuntu-doc at" <ubuntu-doc at>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 19 September 2013, 19:41
>>> *Subject:* grub2 pages
>>> Hi :)
>>> If anyone or a group of people are looking for something to get their
>>> teeth into the the Grub2 pages might usefully be tidied up a bit.
>>> Someone really keen tried to modularise it by taking chunks out to form
>>> their own sub-pages. He was well on the way to making that 1st page much
>>> easier to use and navigate through but some fool got involved and the
>>> mission went a bit sideways. I think all that bit in "Displays" about
>>> "Signposting from older links" should come out now imo. (yes, the fool was
>>> me). All that is really needed in the "Displays" tiny section is the link
>>> to
>>> Grub2/Displays <>
>>> which is a large enough sub-page (off the main Grub2 page) in it's own
>>> right.
>>> Seeing how the other chap set-up that sub-page and the other ones he did
>>> is a good way of learning a wiki-editing skill that few understand,
>>> sub-pages, and how easy it is to do a relative link to them.
>>> Regards from
>>> Tom :)
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