Suggestion (Re to Jonathan Aquilina)

Svetlana Belkin barsookmud at
Tue Sep 17 13:07:47 UTC 2013

On 09/17/2013 03:25 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
> Ben that is why i suggested tags of supported versions on each page and
> unsupported versions in case people might be running an  EOL version.

Sorry for butting in.

The problem is (and it was said one Tag wiki page) using too many tags
will cause clutter on the pages themselves.  Though, while this this a
problem, these tags also help users to see which pages have that tag.

Since this is really the only option we have, couldn't we make this
system for tagging unsupported versions (while ignoring the other tags)
work for everyone with cluttering up the wiki pages?

Or am I getting it wrong?

Svetlana Belkin

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