Get final merges in to Ubuntu Docs

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at
Fri Sep 13 11:12:18 UTC 2013

Hi :)
I tend to agree that right now expediency is called for.  The fact of frequent off-list chats kinda does a lot of what the MP process is aiming for even if it doesn't rigidly dot the "t"s and cross the "i"s (perhaps other way around?).  

Regards from 
Tom :)  

 From: Kevin Godby <godbyk at>

<snip />

This cycle has seen only five merge proposals (including the one you
just submitted).

The bulk of the editing thus far has been done by Doug, John, and me.

I'm only about halfway through the list of files to check against the
GNOME docs.

Our documentation is woefully out of date. It was last updated a year
ago.  So we're committing a lot more changes than normal. That's a lot
of diffs for someone to have to review.

If I were to go through the MP process, I'd be waiting for Doug to
review my changes and commit them.  And vice versa.  Doug and I
correspond off-list quite frequently and keep a pretty close eye on
what the other is doing as is, so it's not much of an issue at the

<snip />

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