Get final merges in to Ubuntu Docs

Phill Whiteside PhillW at
Fri Sep 13 03:30:16 UTC 2013


please bear in mind that I'm not currently here..... If, by 14:00 UTC on
13th Sept you need things proof reading I will do so over the weekend. I'm
on light duties, so errors will be reported back to this mailing list. I'm
on a weekend off to recharge my batteries, but Sunday is expected to be
rain all day.... I can catch up with a "good book" then, if it would be of
help. If the entire file is somewhat smaller than the average ISO, I can
pull it in later. I'm on 3G from tomorrow afternoon (UTC)  so hundreds of
Mb files will cost me money :)

I'd need the link to get entire system installed, and fool proof
instructions! (I'm already running 13.10 as my system).



On 13 September 2013 04:11, Stephen M. Webb <stephen.webb at>wrote:

> On 09/12/2013 10:45 PM, Kevin Godby wrote:
> >
> > Right now, though, we're short on manpower and short on time—both
> > necessary for managing merge proposals. So for the remainder of the
> > 13.10 cycle, I think we should continue pushing ahead and trying to
> > get as much done as possible as quickly as possible.
> I respectfully disagree.  I have never worked on a project that is not
> short of time and people.  The "get as much done
> as possible" has to include following the proper steps to make sure a
> second set of eyes reviews every change.
> The engineering side of Ubuntu has spent the last few cycles ensuring
> quality of the technical side of the project
> through processes such as mandatory peer reviews of all changes and
> extensive automated testing.  It would be a shame if
> the documemntation side did not reflect that.
> Everyone involved needs to take the time to review some merge proposals at
> least for grammar and spelling.  It's not an
> onerous task.
> --
> Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at>
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at
> --
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