Saucy desktop docs review spreadsheet

Stephen Michael Kellat smkellat at
Sun Sep 1 23:01:58 UTC 2013

Let me take off my LoCo leader hat and put on my "Xubuntu Documentation" hat.

Another key thing to remember is that Ubuntu Manual is not packaged let alone seeded to ship on any disc.  The various documentation packages for Ubuntu and the flavors are.  Documentation is different in focus from a manual which is why we focus on ensuring it ships and why there are specific freeze deadlines.  That is also why when it comes to Feature Freeze Exception requests we can object, strenuously if need be, if a change is going to force us to rewrite too much documentation.  

Let the manual project do their own thing.  With Feature Freeze in place we need to ship the best possible documentation for all flavors.  I'll have to consult with my flavor's docs lead as to our priorities as we wind up the Saucy Salamander cycle.  I know that Lubuntu and Xubuntu previously shipped pidgin-microblog on disc but since that package is so broken it is now no longer seeded on any flavor's disc image for Saucy...and we do need to check if anybody's documentation still talks about it!

Stephen Michael Kellat

On Sun, 1 Sep 2013 14:44:45 -0700
Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph <lyz at> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Jonathan Aquilina
> <eagles051387 at> wrote:
> > To be honest what is the difference between the teams. Isnt there the same
> > goal for both teams in the end?
> The projects certainly are similar, but they have different outputs
> and specific needs to meet those goals.
> The docs team is specifically targeted at created system documentation
> that ships with Ubuntu. As such it's written with common documentation
> frameworks (Desktops docs now use Mallard, formally used Docbook and
> some doc projects still do in Ubuntu) and is released officially in
> multiple versions (shipped on the desktop, as HTML for
> It contains a lot of links to stitch it all
> together.
> The Manual is more of a book style (not really linked to separate
> pages) that has downloadable by PDF and also available for purchase as
> a very inexpensive paper book.
> -- 
> Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2
> -- 
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> ubuntu-doc at

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