Trusty branch/series now online

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Oct 31 21:20:40 UTC 2013

Hey there,

Hannie Dumoleyn wrote:
> op 30-10-13 15:22, Little Girl schreef:
> > It also might be a good idea to add instructions for conflict
> > resolution. This (outdated!) wiki page I wrote a while back has a
> > conflict resolution section that still applies, and you're
> > welcome to copy it for the Ubuntu page:

> >

> Hi Little girl,
> I do like the idea of adding instructions for conflict resolution.

Yeah, I'd say that they're inevitable if you spend any time doing
revisions while other people are working on them, too. (:

> Based on my experience, what I usually do when there is a conflict
> is the following:
> 1. Make a copy of the file I have changed
> 2. Remove the old branch and get the latest branch from Launchpad
> 3. Copy the changed file back to the new branch and then commit and
> push.

That will work, too, and should probably be offered as an alternative
method of handling conflicts.

> Another useful command is bzr status which I often use before
> committing.

Same here, and definitely important for avoiding conflicts to begin
with. (:

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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