Trusty branch/series now online

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Tue Oct 29 21:48:46 UTC 2013

Liz, thanks for those notes.

Everyone please be aware, that your locally compiled
HTML Ubuntu DeskTop help docs are NOT a complete self
contained entity.

What do I mean?

Some links might not work, for example
the "legal" link at the bottom of every page. The file
legal.html only added when things are all put together
to create, so you will not have it (it wouldn't
be at the right place, even if you did have it).

Some other links might take you to the real,
instead of your local copy. If you continue to navigate, thereafter
you will be on the real (Happens to me all
the time, and then I get confused.)

... Doug

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 3:24 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph
<lyz at> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Kevin Godby <godbyk at> wrote:
>> I've created a trusty branch and series for the ubuntu-docs project.
>> You can check out this branch by running 'bzr branch
> Thanks Kevin!
> As mentioned during the meeting, I said I'd write up some quick start
> details on how to get involved with the Desktop docs, they are as
> follows:
> 1. Install the following packages: bzr xsltproc libxml2-utils
> yelp-tools yelp-xsl
> 2. At the command line, type: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs/trusty (this
> will take a few minutes)
> 3. Change to the new trusty html directory and build the
> documentation, to do so, type: cd trusty/html/ && make

Haha, I can't count! So I'll mention here:

4. You may see some errors, but this is normal, the docs still should
have built ok in English.

> 5. View the resulting HTML documentation in the html/build/en/
> directory. You can open
> file:///path/to/trusty/html/build/en/index.html in your browser, where
> "/path/to/" is where you put the docs, like for me it's
> file:///home/elizabeth/trusty/html/build/en/index.html
> 6. Update the spreadsheet when you review a page, please add your
> name/nickname/initials and any comments so we can keep track of who is
> reviewing what:
> With this basic introduction, you're well-suited to offer feedback and
> file bugs against the docs, be sure to mention the version of docs (ie
> - trusty) in your bug report.
> Bugs can be reported here:
> (click on
> "Report a bug" at the top right)
> If you wish to edit the Mallard documents to actually fix bugs, more
> details on getting set up and pushing up your changes for review are
> available here:
> --
> Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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