Team renewal

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Sat Oct 26 14:56:05 UTC 2013

Hi Martin,


The context was not the doc-contributors team but rather the doc-committers team.


I followed up with some after the actual meeting, and took the action to contact inactive members of the doc-committers team about moving them to the “former members” area of team (i.e. deactivating them).


… Doug





From: ubuntu-doc-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-doc-bounces at] On Behalf Of MARTIN DIXON
Sent: October-26-2013 01:08
To: 'Ubuntu Doc'
Subject: Team renewal



At the end of Any other business in the Doc Team Meeting reference was made to "team renewal" -

We could set expiration dates for everyone and if they don't renew, then they vanish.
As long as all the active team members remember to renew, it works okay.

An expiry date appears on -

I have found inf on joining, style, etc but now't on renewal - any advice?

p.s Yes I know it's not imminent for me today!

Regards, Martin
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