One set of documentation needs to go

Jared Norris jrnorris at
Tue Oct 8 12:13:38 UTC 2013

On 8 October 2013 21:09, Phill Whiteside <PhillW at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had planned to use the huc tags [1] on the wuc, I just have not gotten
> around to creating the page for them on the wuc. Hopefully, that way, we
> will then have a system for flagging up wuc pages using the same system we
> use for huc. Being consistent across both wiki areas I'm sure will reduce
> confusion.
> If no one has any squeals of protest, I'll get the wiki page created
> tomorrow (Wednesday) or Thursday morning. After that, I'm back fully tied
> up with RC testing until Final Release is safely out.
> Regards,
> Phill.
> 1.
Hang on, are we talking about help.u.c compared to help.u.c/community or
help.u.c compared to wiki.u.c? The wiki.u.c is not meant for any sort of
documentation, it's there as a collaborative tool for teams. If there is
any "user documentation" on wiki.u.c then it needs to moved to the
appropriate place (the help.u.c/community) or if it's a duplication then it
should be deleted.

I think a lot of these problems occur due to users not being aware of what
each site is for. That being said, we don't make it easy to find out
either, took me ages to learn that difference myself. Perhaps a small
header/footer would be useful?


Jared Norris
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