Calling name for (Was: Re: Header of new front page)

Pasi Lallinaho pasi at
Sat Dec 7 23:34:15 UTC 2013

On 08/12/13 01:28, Svetlana Belkin wrote:
> On 12/07/2013 06:20 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
>> Is the Community wiki something different?  If so can we take out the
>> word "help" out of there to make it fit better with the other 2
>> titles?
> Yes, because the word documentation implies that the content is always
> up to date and reliable.  Wiki though has a different meaning which is
> pages created by users to help other users or something like that.  But
> I can agree that that "help" is not needed.
> Svetlana Belkin

I prefer "Community Help Wiki" over the others for a few reasons:

First, as Svetlana said, "Documentation" communicates something the wiki 
really isn't.

Second, I don't think just "Community Wiki" communicates what the wiki 
actually is. Saying it's a "help wiki" makes the purpose clear. 
Obviously we can't drop the word "community" either, because that would 
lose the meaning as well.


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