A Though on Redundancy of Community Wiki and Other Forms of Support

Svetlana Belkin barsookmud at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 1 15:44:29 UTC 2013


Just a thought on the Community Wiki, one that I will say no offence to,
if this will hurt someone's feelings.  Why is there major redundancy
with the various formats of documentation/support that we have?  This
includes AskUbuntu and the forums.  Well, mainly with AskUbuntu.  It
seems that most users who need support will go to AskUbuntu without
first looking in the Community Wiki, at least what I see when I pop in
and out of AskUbuntu.

I understand why we still have the Community Wiki (or I don't), but in
it's current state, it's not effective.  Or it's because AskUbuntu was
added later on for the ease of support.

It's either we need to figure out what what users want from the Ubuntu
Community Wiki via a survey or we, as a team, could work activity and
clean it up so it's easier to use.  Or another solution can be also
worked out, maybe something on the AskUbuntu site about the Community Wiki.

It might just be me and not understanding why we have redundancy or even
not having a Community Wiki.  I just feel like it *IS NOT* like the
genetic code where you can have redundancy and it's useful.

Thank you,
Svetlana Belkin

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