Ubuntu Documentation - Getting Started

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Fri Aug 16 21:51:35 UTC 2013

On 2013:08:16 13:33 Tom Davies wrote:

> Ahh, so we do need a link to the GPG page from the Getting Started one.  

No, we do not.

On 2013.08.16 08:41 (16:41 Tom's time) Benjamin wrote:

> You do need a GPG key to build docs for final upload :)

As I thought Kevin had explained very well, only whomever
does the package creation and push upstream needs a GPG key.
That would not be a beginning documentation contributor.
Myself, I think such a task would fall to a documentation
committer, at the appropriate point in the cycle.

On 2103.08.15 21:12 Kevin wrote:

"I think it's to the point where we can bring in a
couple new contributors and have them walk through the
getting started process and see how things go."

Yes, that should be the next step. Any volunteers?
Note that it doesn't have to even be real for keeps edits
that are made for the test drive, as we can just reject and
delete the final resulting merge proposal. While I haven't
deleted them yet, that is what I did yesterday, see [1]
(I'll leave the test branches there for at least a few

... Doug

[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~dsmythies

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