Docs for Phone/Tablet

Mike McCallister workingwriter at
Sat Aug 3 19:43:58 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

I've just joined the team, and look forward to helping out when I can.

I am also working on a third-party users guide to Ubuntu Touch for Sams 
Publishing, and plan a chapter on documentation and other "ways to get 
help." I have a few questions to start with (and suspect there will be 
more as time goes on), and I hope someone here can answer them or direct 
me to an appropriate place/person:

* Is there anyone working on documentation for (any of) the Touch Core 
Apps at this point?
* Can you get to (a version of) the Ubuntu desktop guide in Unity on a 
phone/tablet today; if not, is that the plan?

Unfortunately, Sams (Pearson Education) owns the copyright on this book, 
so I can't offer my text as official documentation. But I am definitely 
willing to help with editing such a project.

By way of introduction, I am a technical writer by trade. By day, I 
write manuals for PKWARE (the folks that invented the ZIP compression 
format). I wrote two editions of "openSUSE Linux Unleashed" in the early 
2000s, and also two editions of "WordPress in Depth" with Bud Smith.

Many thanks for any help you can offer!

Mike McCallister
Coming in 2014:
"Ubuntu Touch: Using the Ubuntu OS on your Smartphone or Tablet"
"Creating Your Author Platform: The New Rules" with Carole Jelen

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