Suggestion: make language switching available in official web help for 12.10 and 12.04 desktops

Karl Anliot kanliot at
Wed Sep 26 08:08:02 UTC 2012

There are some multilingual pages.  see
Probably there aren't more because they are difficult to write.
IMHO part of writing the wiki is keeping language simple and removing
difficult to understand english words and sentences.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 3:05 AM, Hannie Dumoleyn <
lafeber-dumoleyn2 at> wrote:

>  Sorry for my late reaction to this email, but I totally agree with
> Sergey that it would be very useful to be able to select a language. As a
> translator, I often want to see the page in English instead of my default
> language, Dutch.
> As an example, see, where one can
> choose a language:
> So, if more people agree that this is useful, perhaps someone can add it
> to
> Regards,
> Hannie
> Op 07-05-12 15:09, Sergey Papilin schreef:
> I discovered that and
> site directories are available
> in several different languages, but there is no way to switch between them
> on the site itself.
> Currently, to access them, you need to manipulate Accept-Language request
> header in your browser. In Firefox, it can be done
> (1) by editing intl.accept_languages preference at about:config page,
> (2) in Preferences->Content->Languages window or
> (3) by using an extension like Quick Locale Switcher.
> I think it's better practice for multi-language site to provide some
> control to select the language. It will make difference when a user is not
> sure he/she understands a sentence in his/her current language correctly
> and wants to consult the same page in another, or suspects a translation
> mistake. It will make checking translations for mistakes on-line faster and
> easier.
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at
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