editing ADWin2k8KerberosLDAP

Tom Davies tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 8 13:38:08 UTC 2012

Hi :)
Thanks for the compliments :)  A few people have put a lot of work into moving the documentation onto new templates and things to really spruce it all up.  
I added a clickable "Table of Contents" to the page and added an "External Links" section to the end.  Just add your link to your documentation in there.  I tend to find that writing a brief sentence to let people know what you page is about helps.  Then add the link like this
* link-address
But if you are used to wiki editing you may have soem other brilliant way of doing it.  Just bear in mind that it's the first external link that has been added to the page so there is a lot of room and no guidance so beware of "mission creep"! ;)
Good luck and regards fro
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 8/5/12, Jurjen Bokma <j.bokma at rug.nl> wrote:

From: Jurjen Bokma <j.bokma at rug.nl>
Subject: editing ADWin2k8KerberosLDAP
To: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Tuesday, 8 May, 2012, 13:28

Hi All,

having just written
http://jurjenbokma.com/ApprenticesNotes/Linux-AD-auth.html , I believe
that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADWin2k8KerberosLDAP is a bit

I do wish to contribute my findings to the community. But given the
general cleanness of the Ubuntu Wiki pages, I get the impression that
just bluntly inserting a link to my own docs would be frowned upon.
However, haven't got the time to properly merge both documents.

What do I do now? Still insert a link? Copy my docs to a completely new
Wiki entry?
Any advice much appreciated.

Best Regards,

ubuntu-doc mailing list
ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
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