Call for help to the docs team

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Thu Mar 22 17:27:36 UTC 2012

On 03/22/2012 12:58 PM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 22 March 2012 10:04, David Planella<david.planella at>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been speaking to some of the members of the docs team about this
>> subject, and after some discussion I thought I'd write to the list to
>> keep everyone in the loop and ask for your help.
>> Unity documentation not being ready and the recent freeze exception
>> affect directly a project in which the Simplified Chinese translation
>> community and the Canonical Professional Engineering Services (PES) team
>> are currently working on [1].
>> In short, Canonical is working with both the Chinese community and paid
>> translators to complete the Ubuntu docs package translation, which is
>> going to be used in the main 12.04 release and for a critical PES
>> project. The original plan was to start the translation work tomorrow
>> following the freeze, which will not happen now, so we're trying to do
>> the best to adapt to the new situation.
>> One area in which the help from the docs team would be extremely useful
>> is in pointing out, even if roughly, to:
>> - Which documentation pages are most likely to remain unchanged (e.g.
>> the GNOME documentation pages)
>> - Which documentation pages are most likely to be modified
>> - Which documentation pages are going to be newly written (e.g.
>> unity-*.page, etc.)
>> I am aware of the work Jeremy Bicha and others have started on the
>> documentation TODO list [2], but if we could get a somewhat more
>> concrete overview in the form pointed above, it would be really useful
>> for us, so that we can better schedule the work for this project.
> David&  Kyle, thanks for the post. You're right; we need to do a
> better job of keeping track of what's final for 12.04 and what still
> needs work. Matthew has a nice script he created for 11.04, but we've
> let it slide since. There will be a row in each page similar to
> <revision version="12.04" date="2012-03-22" status="final"/>
> with the status being "outdated" (needs fixing), "review" (needs to be
> checked), or "final". You can then run ./ in
> ubuntu-help/C/ to get a printout of what's done and what isn't. I
> started updating that field today but it won't get finished until late
> tonight as I'm still at work now. When it's done, I'll post again to
> the docs and translator lists so that everyone can benefit.
> Jeremy

Thanks Jeremy.

So I will check this list tomorrow for a posting from you on which .page files 
are final and I will send them for china translation, then get the rest a week 


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