update page name

nathan nolast nathan1465 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 15:14:54 UTC 2012

Yes sure, I understand how the spaces will cause issues.

Is it possible that we can move this page out of "mailinglistFAQs" and into
something less specific? having this question in mailing list faq's seems
to indicate its only an faq for mailing list. Can we move it to ..
help.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntusecurityadvice    or
help.ubuntu.com/community/faqs/ubuntusecurityadvice? Something to this
nature. Having it in mailinglistfaq's doesn't really make since because its
an faq for all locations.

i can then link the new page location from the old category of

also, i would like to join the doc team and obtain further access. Im also
having issues correcting images on this page

even though i update the page with new images and over wright the old
images, they don't overwrite. I need to delete the old and upload new.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi :)
> I like the basic idea but suggest a slight modification ...
> Spaces make things messy and incomprehensible to most users.  Please could
> we go with CamelCase?
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailingListFAQs/UbuntuSecurityAdvice
> CamelCase like that can make it easier to link to in other pages too.
> Underscores, hyphens and other strange characters sometimes seem to cause
> problems or go through fashions (making pages look very dated very
> quickly).
> Regards from
> Tom :)
> --- On Tue, 3/1/12, nathan nolast <nathan1465 at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: nathan nolast <nathan1465 at gmail.com>
> Subject: update page name
> To: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Tuesday, 3 January, 2012, 7:15
> not sure if this is the correct mailing list but i would like to
> update/change this pages name/title.
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailingListFAQs/securingNewInstall
> the title isn't very inviting. I would like to rename this page to "Ubuntu
> Security Advice"
> I would also like to know how I can obtain access to revert pages to prior
> revisions and the ability to add new pages and delete spam pages.
> --
> Thank you for your time
> ~Nathan Heafner
> nathan1465 at gmail.com
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> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com
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Thank you for your time
~Nathan Heafner
nathan1465 at gmail.com

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