On updating /community/GraphicalInstall

Benjamin Kerensa bkerensa at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 30 04:44:05 UTC 2012

Hello Chris, Phill and Elizabeth,

Glad you reached out about this.... In Q-Cycle their will be a move
towards a new platform for help.u.c which means migration of all content
on the entire domain not just /community

The idea behind the transition is to make it much easier to maintain
the documentation for Ubuntu and to also allow improved usability and

So at this point it might not be in the best interest of everyone to
make any changes that might later have to be re-done on the new platform.

But I will discuss this with Jeremy Bicha and others as more is planned
for this transition and we get a clearer plan in place.

Benjamin Kerensa
benjaminkerensa.com | bkerensa at ubuntu.com
"I am what I am because of who we all are" - Ubuntu

On 04/29/2012 06:38 PM, Chris Druif wrote:
> Hi Phill,
> I've had a small chat with Lyz on IRC, but the docs team needs to make a
> decision on this. I'm not going to make this decision alone after only just
> being submitted to the team. As far as I'm concerned it should be moved to
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidLynx/GraphicalInstall and be link to
> it from it's parent page. I also think instead of naming this one
> "Graphical Install" (which fits the bill, true) "Ubiquity" as everyone I
> know knows that it is called Ubiquity. But that is just a personal issue.
> I've taken the liberty to add both the docs team as Kate in this message
> string to hopefully speed-up the process of getting a decision made.
> With metta, Chris
> On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:59, Phill Whiteside<PhillW at ubuntu.com>  wrote:
>> Hi Lyz,
>> Keeping wiki pages updated is a nightmare! We thought we had hunted all
>> ours down that needed updating for 12.04..... Wrong!! Within Lubuntu we
>> have a wiki / docs sub-team, this allows us to co-ordinate our activities
>> without flooding the 'main' mailing list.
>> As for updating pages, the idea behind the wiki format is so that anyone
>> can update things whilst retaining the ability to 'roll' back changes if
>> need be. There's a whole load of useful information at
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide for those unsure about 'the
>> best way' to do things like formatting, how to add / remove screen shots
>> etc. Chris Druif is our head honcho for Wiki / Doc. Details on that team
>> can be found via
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/GettingInvolved#How_to_Contribute_.26_ParticipateLike myself, Chris is now a fully fledged wiki editor; although as I
>> concentrate on QA stuff more these days, his knowledge now exceeds mine.
>> On the subject of 10.04 etc, there is still discussion ongoing on how best
>> to handle pages for older and even obsloete releases. The best option at
>> the moment is to move the, in this case, the 10.04 specific notes to from
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall to
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall_10.04 with a pointer
>> to it from its "parent" page, so those who wish to install 10.04 still have
>> the details. I can't find the specific email thread, but from what I
>> remember, this even applies to versions that are no longer supported so we
>> as wiki people and others who have never wanted to update still have access
>> to them.
>> I'm sure that Chris will have a clearer memory of where that part of the
>> decission process is at and I've cc'd him my reply to ensure my facts are
>> correct!
>> Regards,
>> Phill.
>> On 29 April 2012 11:44, Elizabeth Krumbach<lyz at ubuntu.com>  wrote:
>>> Hey Phill,
>>> I hope you don't mind the direct email, but I know you do a lot of
>>> wiki stuff. I have a protocol question with it comes to updating the
>>> /community wiki: is there a todo list somewhere or place where people
>>> take on tasks for updating wiki pages? And any version-specific
>>> information I should know about (we only update certain pages for LTS
>>> versions, etc)?
>>> To help illustrate, I ask because I've got some volunteers for Ubuntu
>>> Learning again. Essentially what we do is link to the help.ubuntu.com
>>> (and /community as needed) as core data for each class, then we write
>>> an outline for an instructor with example exercises and quizzes. Now,
>>> as part of this we want to help the wiki team update the docs, so the
>>> first page we found and wanted to use...
>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall
>>> is for 10.04. I have someone ready to review it and make screenshots
>>> reflecting 12.04. Is it ok for him to just jump right in?
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2
>>> http://www.princessleia.com
>>> --
>>> <http://www.princessleia.com>https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw


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