ubuntu-website light-base-theme

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 22 13:43:33 UTC 2011

Hi web team,

I'm working on an updated theme for help.ubuntu.com.

I've taken the light-base-theme from the ubuntu-website project on
Launchpad and have ported it to the build tools for generating
help.ubuntu.com. The result is this:


However disappointingly the light-base-theme on Launchpad doesn't seem
to be up to date: there are various differences between this theme and
the one which is currently displayed on ubuntu.com (header and footer
have limited width, etc).

I've tried to have a look at the code for ubuntu.com itself but it is
way too complex and there are far too many css files for me to figure
it out.

Does anyone have a link to the updated theme or another easy html
theme which is up to date that I can work from?

Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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