Kubuntu Documentation

David Wonderly david.wonderly at kubuntu.org
Thu Oct 6 18:17:07 UTC 2011

Greetings everyone.

I wanted to thank everyone who worked on the Kubuntu Docs for 11.10 (Oneiric 
Ocelot). Thanks to your dedication and hard work we not only finished on time 
but, we also got the translations worked on and finished too! Thank you all so 

So, with all of that said, I would like to welcome you all the the development 
cycle for Kubuntu 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin".

The BZR branch of lp:kubuntu-docs now reflects precise and is open for editing. 

Please, please please please use the blueprint for this.[1] I am begging you. 
:) It makes tracking soooooooo much simpler. If you have ANY questions on how 
to use launchpad blueprints as it relates to work items please read this. [2]

Anyway, because this will be a LTS release I want to ensure that this is our 
best doc cycle yet. This is why I am asking that we all chip in. I will be re-
writing the doc guide and have that ready to go shortly. Stay tuned for that.

So, in closing, I am looking forward to working with the ones I spent oneiric 
with in crunch time and I am looking forward to making new friends in this 
documentation adventure!


Dave Wonderly
Darkwing on FreeNode #kubuntu-devel

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs/+spec/kubuntu-docs-precise
[2] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WorkItemsHowto

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