Documentation help

Manjul Apratim manjul.apratim at
Thu Jun 16 16:29:41 UTC 2011

Hi Kent,

I, and I am sure all others on the team, understand your plight. Indeed,
traditionally GNU/Linux has been an indulgence for the geek, but Ubuntu is
the first and biggest flavor that has sought to bring it to the masses, by
invoking design goals from the end-user's perspective as opposed to the
programmer's perspective alone. The preamble is included here:

and that vision is very much now a reality, and by no means should you form
the impression that you need to be a full-fledged programmer to dive into
Ubuntu. The documentation has issues, and there is an effort underway to fix
it from scratch, of which I am part, and it shall be fixed so, one step at a
time. If you indeed go to and click on 'Support', and go to the
'Official Documentation', that contains a link to the 'Community Contributed
Documentation', which is where you shall want to eventually be going for all
your needs. The fact that this is convoluted to reach at the moment is an
issue, and the centralization of the documentation is also being pushed for.
So, to break free of the serfdom of Microsoft as many others including
myself have in the past, I would urge you to proceed with your experiences
with Ubuntu while reading the manual and ask for help on the Ubuntu forums,
where people will certainly aid you with whatever troubles you run into.


> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:51:51 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Kent Drugge <kedrugge at>
> To: ubuntu-doc at
> Subject: Documentation help
> Message-ID: <601141.46718.qm at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> To all,
> My name is Kent, I work at a school district.  We've been looking to save
> costs like many schools these days.  Microsoft has always  been a pain in
> the rear.  I have a history of Unix in the past and we've thought of moving
> to Linux / Ubuntu as some other schools have done it.  My issue comes from
> reading the documentation about Ubuntu. It seems no matter what topic I try
> to learn about as a new user, it is very difficult because its written by
> people who know everything about Linux/Ubuntu. Page after page is filled
> with acronyms of services and apps who knows what.  Maybe I'm under the
> wrong impression. Maybe you don't want people who know nothing about Ubuntu,
> to become users.  Tonight I'm trying to read a server installation guide and
> its not for beginners.  When you go to there is no "Beginners
> start here"  If anyone ever intends to have the Linux world become a leader
> in Operating Systems, they're going to have to get out of Program mode
>  instructing and into 8th grade teaching level for the rest of the world to
> become users.  I think Linux is great, it seems like Ubuntu might be great,
> but, right now, instruction is only geared toward the very well educated
> programmer.
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> End of ubuntu-doc Digest, Vol 81, Issue 17
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Manjul Apratim
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