Status of the Ubuntu Docs in Natty+Oneiric

David Planella david.planella at
Wed Jul 13 09:42:43 UTC 2011

El dc 13 de 07 de 2011 a les 11:40 +0200, en/na David Planella va
> El dg 10 de 07 de 2011 a les 13:16 +0100, en/na Matthew East va
> escriure:
> > On 10 July 2011 10:29, Hannie <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at> wrote:
> > > Op 09-07-11 12:16, Matthew East schreef:
> > >
> > > For now it is worth translating gnome-user-docs (natty) because updates will
> > > be shipped to this
> > > package.
> > >
> > > I am still not convinced this is the case. I have translated 1000 (!)
> > > strings of the gnome-user-docs in Launchpad, and I get updates regularly, bu
> > > so far I do not see one word in Dutch when I press F1. For the translation
> > > of a document as large as this one it is absolutely essential that it is
> > > worth the effort. It would be very sad if all this work appears to be
> > > useless.
> > 
> > We can't export the translations regularly as the technology isn't
> > suitable for that. We can only do occasional exports. The next
> > language pack update is due on 21 July 2011. I will try to get the
> > updates included in that update.
> > 
> That's correct. Note that since you guys are now using the upstream
> project and translations sharing, you can benefit from the Ubuntu
> translations and get them committed automatically to the upstream
> branch, without the need of manually exporting them as in the past.
> That means that you can have translations done in Ubuntu updated daily
> in the upstream branch. During the development cycle we're releasing
> language packs weekly, so if you combine that with regular uploads of
> the ubuntu-docs package (do not need to be weekly, perhaps biweekly or
> monthly), these translations will make it to the language packs. This
> way translators can see the result of their work on a regular basis and
> react much quicker to fix mistakes.
> I see that the Oneiric upstream series has not yet been opened,

My mistake. The Oneiric upstream series has indeed been opened. The
steps below still apply to

>  but
> taking Natty as an example, you'll only need to change a couple of
> settings to enable this workflow here:
> On "Import settings", on the left:
>       * Select "Import template files" (there is no need to import
>         translation files if the translation is done in Launchpad)
> On "Export translations to branch" on the right:
>       * Choose a branch where to automatically commit the translations.
>       * I'd recommend the main branch of the series for a more automated
>         workflow, but you can also choose a separate branch for
>         translations and manually merge it from time to time.
> Regards,
> David.

David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator / /
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