Typo's in ubuntu-docs Oneiric version

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 16 16:51:02 UTC 2011

On 16 December 2011 11:39, Hannie Dumoleyn <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at zonnet.nl> wrote:
> Hello Jeremy,
> Thanks for this information. It may turn out to be very useful in the
> future.
> I have done all the above and it works fine, with the test on
> "chromaticity", that is.
> The output was: ./color-whatisspace.page:    approximate how the eye
> responds with a CIE 1931 chromaticity diagram
> But I still need your help on the following:
> In ubuntu-docs (Precise) I found the word thier instead of their (typo). I
> tried to run the command rgrep with part of the sentence between "":
> ~/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C$ rgrep "misleading at best to say that thier
> display is calibrated" .
> and
> ~/ubuntu-docs/ubuntu-help/C$ rgrep "misleading at best to say that their
> display is calibrated" .
> But I get nothing. What did I do wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong! If rgrep doesn't return any results,
then that phrase isn't there. In other words, the misspelling was
probably already fixed.


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