Software Center documentation

Kyle Nitzsche kyle.nitzsche at
Thu Mar 4 13:59:48 UTC 2010

Hi David and Michael,

This approach would seem to mean that only systems that install 
ubuntu-docs will get Software Center docs.

Not all Ubuntu variants ship ubuntu-docs because they are different 
enough to make the contents incorrect. But these variants probably will 
want Software Center.

I would suggest separately packaging the Software Center docs and asking 
the ubuntu-docs group to manage the content and ubuntu-translators to 
handle the translations.

Such a package can be a depends of Software Center package, and of 

ubuntu-docs content can include a link to the content, just like it 
includes a link to all other major topics: the user experience is 

But, when ubuntu-docs is not present, Software Center docs can be 
launched in another way.


David Planella wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently Software Center ships its own documentation, and after a
> discussion in the Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team [1] we agreed
> that it would be best for documentation and translations to be included
> in ubuntu-docs.
> I had a quick chat with Michael Vogt some days ago and suggested him to
> integrate the help file with ubuntu-docs. This would give the benefits
> that:
>       * Translations would be more visible to translators, as they'd be
>         in the Ubuntu templates list at
>       * They'd be shipped as part of ubuntu-docs, and integrated in the
>         package's workflow (i.e. translations would be built before
>         NonLanguagePackDeadline)
>       * This will make it possible to ship only the translations in the
>         user's locale (as opposed to all translations). Now ubuntu-docs
>         are part of language packs.
>       * It would be consistent with what other Ubuntu applications do at
>         the moment with documentation (e.g. usb-creator)
> Michael told me he hadn't any strong view for one approach or the other,
> so I suggested I'd contact the documentation team to integrate the
> documentation in ubuntu-docs.
> Would the docs team be up for adopting the Software Center
> documentation? If so, what would the next step be?
> Regards,
> David.
> [1]

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