Using Mallard for Ubuntu docs

Tek Ang rugbeeprop at
Thu Jul 1 22:15:58 UTC 2010

I am in for the ground up and docbook to start with.

From: Phil Bull <philbull at>
To: Tom Davies <tomdavies04 at>
Cc: ubuntu-doc at
Sent: Thu, July 1, 2010 6:41:05 AM
Subject: Re: Using Mallard for Ubuntu docs

Hi guys,

Logs would be available from the IRC training session, so you wouldn't
*strictly* need to attend. It's good to be able to ask questions,

There seems to be quite a bit of interest around this (I'm pleased!).
I'd like to target a session at the things people most want to learn
about. Here are a few options:

      * Mallard from the ground-up (for people who are completely new to
        XML, and just want to get started with a few simple documents)
      * Mallard for DocBook users (you're familiar with DocBook, but
        want to start using Mallard)
      * Topic-based help with Mallard (this would focus more on
        best-practices for writing topic-based help with Mallard)
      * Advanced Mallard (using all of Mallard's shiny new features)
      * Just a simple Q&A

Which of these would people be most interested in? I'm sure we could run
a couple of sessions (Jim?).

I should also note that there's a documentation workshop the Tuesday
before GUADEC (27th July) which Shaun, Milo and I will be running, so
come along if you're in The Hague!



Phil Bull

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