orphans and other things

Phillip Whiteside phillw at phillw.net
Fri Jul 2 21:47:52 UTC 2010

Hiyas folks,

I know I'm a still pretty much a n00b at this, and although I am trying, i
hope you don't think I'm trying your patience. I am sure I am not the only
one with questions.

Now that things 'seem' to have decided on the use of Mallard for the new
documentation system and the 'fun' of getting wiki pages over to it, my
question may seem somewhat mundane. I first got interested in the docs area
as I could see people using out of date documentation and having problems.
As part of this I understand that there is a list of 'orphaned' pages at
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OrphanedPages Having spent some time
checking on two that are dear to my heart (Grub & LAMP), I find that the
'orphaned' pages are not orphans, but correctly being pointed to. Having had
a further 'nag' to my contact as I learn these things, I find that I cannot
remove them from the list (It requires wiki Admin rank, which I do
understand is not given lightly - but I would like to know what further
checks should be carried out as per
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide/DeletingAndRenaming  In fact
there seems no procedure to have this cross linking between the various wiki
type entries. For example, on the orphan list #189 is
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=show&redirect=GRUB2 which
seems rather odd, as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 points to it, but no
other pages on help.ubuntu.com/community do. In the case of LAMP,
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP points to
https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html one which I've
already said I am going to help with for those of us who want / need to put
a server system onto our computer as we learn about servers either as
self-learn or at college / university.

Is the new system still going to be built around
https://help.ubuntu.com/community ? Or has that also changed :-)

Reducing duplication, I understand is one the key parts of bringing all the
various teams together, so please feel free to forward this email to the
other teams (I'm only a member of the doc team at present).

Sorry for so many questions.


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