Documentation Rifts and Rebuttals

David Wonderly •Darkwing Duck• ubuntu at
Thu Jan 14 07:58:48 UTC 2010

Ben, maybe one of the reasons there are not as many official documentation authors is because people are looking to other projects instead of putting all things into one place. If its for personal glory or, other reasons I don't know. However, having the information in one place is better then multiple places in my opinion.

While I understand your frustrations I feel that you brought it on yourself. What did you think was going to happen when you show up to the Doc-Team and announce your are going to try and out do their efforts with yet another project? And to try and use their list as a recruiting effort for that goal... Do you know how frustrating that is?

As for the biggest project claim? I don't know if the manual is going to be shipped with the operating system, I doubt it with an attitude like that. It doesn't seem very... Dare I say, Ubuntu of you does it?

I am sorry that there doesn't seem to be a common ground that we can work on as the doc team and your team. It seems that you are asking for your way and your way only.

A tip for the future, if you are looking for help there are better ways to ask then informing the people you are asking for help from that they are failing. Not a good way to start that relationship.

David Wonderly
-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Humphrey <humphreybc at>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:46:17 
To: <ubuntu at>
Subject: Re: Documentation Rifts and Rebuttals

Duly noted, thankyou.

We already do have a mailing list - this discussion was just extending on
from my original email offer to the docs team.

You can imagine how frustrating it can be when our team has worked
incredibly hard for the last 4 weeks to create something from scratch, and
then to be told by only one party (the docs team) that it's a waste of time
and that they're not interested.

If I was in the docs team I would have jumped at the opportunity to
collaborate with one of the biggest Ubuntu projects on at the moment -
especially considering the amount of media attention and contributors we
have. But, obviously they feel different - perhaps this is why they are
still struggling to find contributors to keep the documentation up to date,
they might not be open enough to collaboration from other projects. Either
way, that's not my problem, it's theirs.

I'll stop posting to the docs team mailing list because they are clearly not
interested in the Manual project.


On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:41 PM, David Wonderly •Darkwing Duck• <
ubuntu at> wrote:

> Ben,
> First I would like to kindly ask you to calm down a bit. Nothing to get
> upset over. You are right, no one can stop you. And you are right about that
> it is a project. However, this is the Documentation Mailing list and not the
> Ubuntu Manual Mailing list. So as for your comments on that you have made it
> clear that it has nothing to do with the list that you are discussing it in.
> I'm not going to get into a heated argument about the validity of the
> project. But, since you have made it clear you don't care about what the
> list has to say about a project that you have said has nothing to do with
> the mailing list I would suggest that you save yourself some stress and
> maybe setup a list for your project. is very good about that.
> David Wonderly
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benjamin Humphrey <humphreybc at>
> Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:31:12
> To: Thomas R. Jones<thomas.jones at>
> Cc: Ubuntu Docs<ubuntu-doc at>
> Subject: Re: Documentation Rifts and Rebuttals
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at

Benjamin Humphrey

Ubuntu Manual Project Leader
Dunedin, New Zealand

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