ldap help ?

abdelkader belahcene abelahcene at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 08:39:47 UTC 2010

I installed  sldap  2.4.18  on server  debian squeeze (here
when Iuse the command
ldapsearch -xLLL -b "dc=example,dc=com" uid=john sn givenName cn
dn: uid=john,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
sn: Doe
givenName: John
cn: John Doe

I get correct answer

I tried to do it from a remote machine  where ( ubuntu 9.10 )   (IP
I installed package for authentication in this client machine

I ran pam-auth-update *

everything seemed  correct  like it is decalred in the document


I used ubuntu doc, because I have install 2.4.18 ( not present  yet on
on some machine it running  correctly, on other not!!!??

I got the error : ( it is running on another machine : )

ldapsearch -xLLL -b  -H ldap://  "dc=example,dc=com"
uid=john sn givenName cn

*ldap_sasl_bind(SIMPLE): Can't contact LDAP server (-1)*

in the same way , the authentication is not done ( john is created in
ldap server)

su - john
identifier unknown  : john

I can do same from another machine running debian lenny. very strange
I install same packages, that what I believe

any idea
thanks a lot
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