usb-creator Draft

Alex Lourie at
Wed Sep 9 13:16:23 UTC 2009

Hi Phil!

Thanks a lot for your help.

As we've dealt with that, I think the right thing would be to continue.

I've updated the System Documentation page [1]  with the notion that
patch files are already have been filed. So I will take couple of next
and start making man pages for them.

[1] -


On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Phil Bull <philbull at> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 11:10 +0300, Alex Lourie wrote:
> > I've done latest updates to the man pages, and they are ready for your
> > review at
> > usual [1].
> >
> > I've updated descriptions and minor other issues in them. In addition,
> > I fixed them
> > all according to Gnome's manpages (or at least according to gedit
> > example). Finally,
> > I renamed all files to .1, so they will remind more the real man page
> > files.
> >
> > As a side question: shouldn't we suggest these to upstream? At least
> > gnome ones?
> > >From here, it would seem absolutely the right thing to do. What is
> > the general flow in
> > this area?
> Sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been away and have only just
> gotten around to my email. They all look great! The one and only issue
> that I found was this, in gnome-appearance-properties:
> "Use a  full,  relative path" => "Use a full or relative path"
> Regarding sending these upstream: as far as I'm aware,
> gnome-language-selector and checkbox are Ubuntu-only, so you should just
> file bugs against those packages on Launchpad. This should involve
> reporting a bug saying something like "Package X doesn't have a man
> page", then attaching your man page as a comment after you've filed the
> bug. The package maintainer should then come along and integrate the man
> page.
> With gnome-appearance-properties, we can send that upstream. It might
> need a slight adjustment, though, since the upstream version doesn't
> have an Effects tab IIRC.
> Thanks, and great work!
> Phil
> --
> Phil Bull
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