Introduction letter

Jeremy/ unknown3000 at
Sun Oct 11 02:03:08 UTC 2009

Hey there stlsaint,

Good of you to join us in our merry pursuit! Hope everyone gives him a warm

I known stlsaint a good while and I reckon he's a  good guy and welcome
addition. Been giving him some pointers and helping him get started with
wiki work. Already started working on pages, keep it up and get hands as
dirty as possible. Good way to learn. I may not always be around to answer
your questions either on IRC or via mail so don't be shy about asking mail
list for pointers on pages or comments, as well as the main channel
#ubuntu-doc. That's about it, I talk to ya enough on IRC.
Jeremy Pallats/

Beginners Team/Wiki FG Member -
Wiki Homepage -

On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 9:29 PM, faint stl <faint_stl_saint at>wrote:

> Hello,
> My name is Matthew. On IRC and in forums i go by the nickname: stlsaint.
> I have been a user of ubuntu for about six months now and i am loving
> everyday of it.
> I am a big supporter of the community and helping new users get acquainted
> to using ubuntu as someone else did it for me. I have just recently picked
> up wiki writing and i enjoy its uses. I can't express enough how big i am
> for the community and the wiki documentation is a intricate part of the
> support for community as it is a major part of people coming to ubuntu. I
> refer to wiki's everyday just for reference an research. I am currently
> active in all other forms of support from spreading ubuntu disk locally
> where i live in texas, to forums to irc. I feel that its only right to move
> to the next level and support the community through writing. I greatly
> appreciate this opportunity to learn and grow with ubuntu and support more
> users.
> Sincerely,
> Matthew
> God Bless
> --
> ubuntu-doc mailing list
> ubuntu-doc at
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