Review of About Kubuntu page
Nitesh Mistry
mistrynitesh at
Sun Nov 29 18:23:53 UTC 2009
On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Darkwing Duck <ubuntu at>wrote:
> On Sunday 29 November 2009 01:56:26 am Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 1:10 AM, Richard JOHNSON
> <nixternal at>wrote:
> > > On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 11:02:53PM +0530, Nitesh Mistry wrote:
> > > [...]
> > >
> > > > Hope this is a good beginning!
> > >
> > > You, my friend, are an allstar! Thank you so much for this, and I will
> > > make sure I get those fixes in.
> >
> > I have made these changes in my local branch and want to submit them. As
> > mentioned in the /Checking page, I tried to validate the file using the
> > script by giving following command from the top level of the
> > branch:
> > $ scripts/ docs/about/c/about.xml
> >
> > But it gives the following error:
> > bash: scripts/ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
> >
> > Also tried $ scripts/ about/c/about.xml (ie. without the docs/
> > word, still the same error)
> >
> > Then tried $ sudo scripts/ about/c/about.xml
> > But it gave the following error:
> > sudo: unable to execute scripts/ Permission denied
> >
> > I have confirmed that I own the directory and is an
> executable
> > file.
> >
> > Can someone tell me where am I failing?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> As far as I know the problem is that you don't have access to push to the
> branch on LP. Go ahead and email the finished XML file to Rick
> (nixternal at Jon (jjesse at and they will get it posted
> for
> you.
No. I was not trying to push the branch on LP (I was made aware on the wiki
that I am only a contributor and not commiter ;) ). I was trying to validate
the .xml file that I edited, before sending the patch to the list. Thanks
for the help anyways.
I am attaching the diff file (is it better to send only the concerned .xml
file?) to this email and also marking Rich and Jon. I hope it is useful.
> Thank you for your help!
> DW
The pleasure is mine!
Version: 3.12
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# Bazaar merge directive format 2 (Bazaar 0.90)
# revision_id: mistrynitesh at
# target_branch: bzr+ssh://\
# doc/kubuntu-docs/lucid/
# testament_sha1: bfe4bb3daf72ef91ba13509c91a09237966d511e
# timestamp: 2009-11-29 16:35:47 +0530
# base_revision_id: nixternal at\
# i237f21hop4u0mlp
# Begin patch
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=== modified file 'Authors' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'Makefile' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== removed file 'NEWS'
=== removed file 'README'
--- README 2009-11-21 19:24:52 +0000
+++ README 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Thank you for your support in the Kubuntu GNU/Linux operating system.
-This documentation serves as the help system for Kubuntu.
-The documents within the 'kubuntu-docs' package are developed and maintained
-in DocBook/XML in Bazaar by the Ubuntu Documentation Team.
-For more information see:
=== modified file 'common/ccbysa.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== modified file 'common/contributors.xml' (properties changed: -x to +x)
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=== modified file 'debian/kubuntu-docs.links' (properties changed: -x to +x)
=== removed directory 'docs/about/C'
=== removed file 'docs/about/C/about.xml'
--- docs/about/C/about.xml 2009-11-23 02:57:22 +0000
+++ docs/about/C/about.xml 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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-<article id="about-kubuntu" status="draft">
-<title>About &kubuntu;</title>
-This document is an introduction to &kubuntu;. It explains the &kubuntu; project,
-philosophy as well as its roots, and introduces the &kubuntu; desktop.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-<title>Introduction to &kubuntu;</title>
-Welcome to &kubuntu; &distro-rev;, the &distro-version; release. &kubuntu; is a
-user-friendly, Linux-based, operating that system that uses the K Desktop
-Environment (&kde;) for its desktop. With a predictable six
-month release cycle as part of the Ubuntu project, &kubuntu; is the Linux
-distribution for everyone. The entire &kubuntu; team would like to thank you for
-choosing &kubuntu;!
-<!-- TODO: Add an image of the Kubuntu desktop
-<title>The &kubuntu; Desktop</title>
-<imagedata fileref="../../images/C/kubuntu-desktop.png" format="PNG"/>
-&kubuntu; includes more than 1,000 pieces of software and has access to more than
-25,000 other applications to suit your needs. &kubuntu; starts with the Linux
-kernel, version &linux-kernel-version;, and then includes the core Ubuntu
-applications as well as &kde; &kde-version;. &kubuntu;'s core applications include
-software for browsing the web, communicating via email, a word processor and
-more, as well as apps to play various types of multimedia files, and more!
-<sect1 id="philosophy">
-The team behind the Ubuntu and &kubuntu; projects make the following commitment to
-its users:
-&kubuntu; will always utilize the solid base of the Ubuntu project plus the latest
-from the &kde; project. As part of the Ubuntu project and community, &kubuntu; will
-continue to utilize the infrastructure and support that the Ubuntu project
-offers. We will continue to work at being the best &kde; based distribution
-&kubuntu; will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for an
-<quote>enterprise edition</quote>, we make our very best work available to
-everyone on the same free terms.
-&kubuntu; includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure
-that the free software community has to offer, to make &kubuntu; usable by as many
-people as possible.
-&kubuntu; is entirely committed to the principles of free software and open source
-development; we encourage people to use free and open source software, improve
-it and pass it on.
-<!-- WHAT IS LINUX -->
-<sect1 id="linux">
-<title>What is Linux?</title>
-Linux is an operating system kernel that resembles the UNIX operating system.
-The kernel is the main software required for free operating systems such as
-&kubuntu;. Linux has come to define the worldwide movement to embrace free and
-open source software. GNU/Linux is another way in which many refer to the Linux
-kernel. The GNU/Linux term was created by the <ulink
-url="">Free Software Foundation</ulink> since the Linux kernel
-was created with many components from the <ulink url="">GNU
-Find out more about Linux at any of the following websites:
-<ulink url="">Linux Online</ulink>
-<ulink url="">Wikipedia</ulink>
-<ulink url="">Get GNU/Linux</ulink>
-<!-- WHAT IS KDE -->
-<sect1 id="kde">
-<title>What is &kde;?</title>
-&kde-full;, commonly referred to as &kde;, is the default desktop for &kubuntu;.
-&kde; is an international technology team that creates free software for desktop
-and portable computing. Among &kde;'s products are a modern desktop system
-for Linux and UNIX platforms, comprehensive office productivity and groupware
-suites, as well as hundreds of software titles in various categories including
-Internet and web applications, multimedia, entertainment, educational, graphics,
-and software development. &kde; software is translated into more than 60
-languages and is built with ease of use and modern accessibility principles in
-mind. &kde; 4's full-featured applications run natively on Linux, BSD,
-Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X.
-Find out more about KDE at any of the following websites:
-<ulink url="">&kde;'s Website</ulink>
-<ulink url="">Wikipedia</ulink>
-<sect1 id="kde4gnome">
-<title>&kde; for &ubuntu; and &gnome; Users</title>
-&kde; is in many ways similar to &gnome;, but there are distinct differences
-which distinguishes &kde; as a desktop environment. &kde; uses C++ at its base,
-with the Qt <acronym>GUI</acronym> toolkit, whereas &gnome; uses the
-<acronym>GTK</acronym> <acronym>GUI</acronym> toolkit and is written in C. &kde;
-is the older of the two and is known to stress more the importance of features
-and usability. &gnome; more notoriously prides itself on simplicity and ease of
-use. Popular criticisms of &gnome; are that it's lacking in features and
-applications, while it is often commented that &kde; has too many features.
-Nevertheless, &kde; and &gnome; respectively target different audiences, and are
-fundamentally different in some respects. The question of which desktop
-environment is superior is inherently a subjective opinion in many ways. Because
-of this, to at least make a proper decision about which is more suited for your
-needs, it is advised that you try them both out. Thus, it is very easy to
-install &gnome; from a &kubuntu; setup, and equally easy to install &kde; from
-an &ubuntu; setup.
-<sect1 id="switching-desktops">
-<title>Switching Desktops</title>
-As an &ubuntu; user, you may be concerned that your favorite &gnome;
-applications will not run under &kubuntu;. That is not the case. In recent
-times, much work has been done to increase compatibility between &gnome; and
-&kde;. All &gnome; applications will run under &kde; and vice versa.
-While the &kde; desktop is very different from that of &gnome;, all your
-favorite &gnome; applications will be integrated with your &kde; menu system.
-Another concern for user wanting to try &kubuntu; may be that &kde; will become
-their only desktop once it is installed. While we do indeed hope you will make
-&kde; your desktop of choice, this is not the case; both desktop session types
-can be run after installing &kubuntu;. Furthermore, during the installation you
-will be given the choice of using either the <application>GNOME Display
-Manager</application> (<acronym>GDM</acronym>) or the <application>KDE Display
-Manager</application> (<acronym>KDM</acronym>) as your login manager.
-Either display manager will suffice, and after installation you will be able to
-run either &gnome; or &kde; session types. Feel free to try
-<acronym>KDM</acronym>. You can always switch back to <acronym>GDM</acronym>
-later if you like. The only noticeable difference will be the artwork used
-before you log in.
-To install &kubuntu;'s &kde; desktop, you need to install the
-<application>kubuntu-desktop</application> package. To install &ubuntu;'s
-&gnome; desktop, you need to install the
-<application>ubuntu-desktop</application> package.
-Local Variables:
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-<article id="audio" status="draft">
-<title>Editing, Managing, and Playing Audio in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-<article id="basics" status="draft">
-<title>The Basics of &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-mode: xml
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-<article id="cli" status="draft">
-<title>Introduction To The Command Line</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-mode: xml
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-<!ENTITY language "en">
-<article id="communication" status="draft">
-<title>Communicating With &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
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-<!ENTITY language "en">
-<article id="config-desktop" status="draft">
-<title>Desktop Configuration</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
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-<article id="contribute" status="draft">
-<title>Contributing To The &kubuntu; Project</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
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-<!ENTITY language "en">
-<article id="desktop" status="draft">
-<title>The Kubuntu Desktop</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<article id="development" status="draft">
-<title>Development Tools</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<article id="games" status="draft">
-<title>Gaming In &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<!ENTITY language "en">
-<article id="graphics" status="draft">
-<title>Creating and Editing Graphics in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<article id="hardware" status="draft">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<article id="index" status="draft">
-<title>Kubuntu System Documentation Index</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
=== removed directory 'docs/manage-software/C'
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-<!ENTITY language "en">
-<article id="manage-software" status="draft">
-<title>Software Management In &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<article id="media" status="draft">
-<title>Media Management With &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<title>Kubuntu Netbook Remix</title>
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-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-<title>Networking In &kubuntu;</title>
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-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-<title>Office and Productivity</title>
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-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
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-<title>Managing and Editing Photos in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
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-<title>Managing Printers and Printing in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
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-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
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-<title>File Sharing in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
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-<title>Getting Support for &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
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-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
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-<title>Tips and Tricks</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
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-<title>Editing and Playing Videos in &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
-kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; tab-width 2; indent-mode none;
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-<title>Browsing The Web With &kubuntu;</title>
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-<sect1 id="introduction">
-This document has yet to be completed and is available for adoption.
-Local Variables:
-mode: xml
-vim: tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:indentexpr=:tw=80:
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