Addition to the Styleguide

Dougie Richardson dougierichardson at
Fri May 8 21:28:15 UTC 2009

Hi all,

nhandler had a good question, when we give a filename - we have a
DocBook styleguide entry [1]. If the filename contains something the
user needs to change, we don't.

For example, if I was to reference my home folder:


This is unclear that the "dougie" part is not correct for anyone else.
We don't want to have to write "replacing dougie with your user name"
after each entry. So I propose the style guide is:

<filename>/home/<emphasis>user</emphasis></filename>, replacing
<emphasis>user</emphasis> with your username

For the first entry and subsequent entries in the same article as:




Dougie Richardson
dougierichardson at

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