String Freeze

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Mar 26 09:09:09 UTC 2009

2009/3/26 Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at>:
> Hey everyone,
> As you may already know we are in a string freeze. At the same time we have
> been in a Beta freeze which means that without an exception there will be no
> uploading. My request for Karmic is to put string freeze at least 1 day prior
> to the beta freeze, that way there it is easier for us to upload without any
> problems or extra work. To me it makes absolutely no sense having the string
> freeze after the beta freeze.

I don't agree. I think this is an appropriate time for string freeze
and I wouldn't want to curtail document writing by pushing our
documentation freeze back at all (your proposal involves pushing it
back at least a week). I think where it is now allows for enough time
for both writing and translating.

There is no real problem with uploading. The beta will be released
today and uploads can then be processed normally. There is no need for
an exception after the beta is released [1].


Matthew East
gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF

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