Ubuntu Drupal

Dean Sas dean at deansas.org
Tue Mar 17 14:47:57 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 23:09, Dougie Richardson
<ddrichardson at btinternet.com> wrote:
> I've been tinkering with Ubuntu Drupal solution
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDrupal) and was wondering if we should
> adopt a CMS for HUC (the frontpage for which Matthew and I have been
> bouncing some ideas).
> Advantages:
> - Solves the problem with lists

What is the lists problem?

> Just throwing it out there, what do others think? There's no doubt
> some massive, obvious oversight here on my part.

I'm hesitant about the idea, in light of Matts reply I'm not sure that
we're really gaining anything. Also it's nice to have the website
under revision control which I guess we'd lose if we moved to Drupal
(note that I don't know much about drupal).


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