Getting Started Guide - Looking for Feedback/QA

adam hyde adam at
Mon Mar 16 06:19:02 UTC 2009


Sorry, I saw this thread a bit late. I hope its not too late to chime
in. I think the Getting started guide you have made looks great Avi.
Good work!

I wanted to ask Dougie a question about a comment he made (see below)

> >
> > wrote about the admirable FLOSS manual project 
> > ( "Documentation is one area in 
> > which free/libre/open source software (FLOSS) is weakest." That is 
> > what I meant, but we are working to improve this.
> >
> Don't even get me started on this.  I had dealings with this project in 
> the last run of the Desktop Training Team and their documentation is not 
> really any different to ours.  Its just the delivery method that is 
> better (at least until Moin supports PDF generation on the fly).

It sounds like you are really frustrated by FLOSS Manuals. I was
wondering if you could say more about this? For clarities sake, I
founded FM, and I'm asking because it seems you have had some sort of
dealing with us that you didn't like? If I can help clear this up I
would welcome the opportunity. My apologies if I have misinterpreted
your tone.

kind regards,


Adam Hyde
Founder FLOSS Manuals
German mobile : + 49 15 2230 54563
Email : adam at
irc: #flossmanuals

"Free manuals for free software"

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