Developer Documentation feedback

Rick Spencer rick.spencer at
Tue Mar 3 17:13:47 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 03 March 2009 08:31:14 Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> UbuntuDevelopment is about developing Ubuntu itself.
> We appear to have no organized information at all for people who want to
> develop applications *for* Ubuntu.

mpt makes a very important point here.

Furthermore, it is hard to discover the best practices for doing so. Ever see 
what happens to people when they ask about this in the forums? They get a 
large set of options, without any way to sift through them and get started.

I think solving this problem is important for platform adoption. I would love 
to contribute to, and be involved in such a solution. I even have some 
documentation that I started relevant to this, it it would help bootstrap the 

Cheers, Rick

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