more, Ubiquity Slideshow for Ubuntu

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Wed Jun 17 19:03:56 UTC 2009

they are checking google because that's what they've been trained to do.
not just by people in our support places (channel, forums, etc) but a
majority check google first..  the slideshow should just be a brief
highlight tour

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:18 AM, mac_v <drkvi-a at> wrote:

> Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> >
> >Google and the help system take care
> > of these very well.
> >
> You are looking at this the wrong way...
> Why are they checking google? since the documentation is not very
> hepful. Rather than saying someone else is doing our job well, I think
> we need to Be better at helping the user rather than google....
> I do understand that the slideshow doesnt need to be a help system, But
> needs to point to the documentation . And the documentation needs to be
> done better.
> > We are making a HUGE assumption here about our user base.  Unfortunately
> > I would bet 90% don't use the help system they turn to Google instead.
> > The same is going to happen with this slideshow, most will skip, most
> > will never use and most will turn to Google if they have any problems.
> >
> >
> You are right the XP slideshow is very irritating, that is because, as
> someone has already pointed it out, it takes the tone of a salesman.
> We need to provide a slideshow which is both attractive and informative
> and creates interest in the user to actually sit through the whole process.
> Cheers,
> mac_v
> Offtopic:
> I'm not sure if this is possible, but would it be possible to provide
> the documentation online too in the same structure and format as the one
> built into the system, apart from the wiki, and maybe the slideshow
> could point here rather than the forums? Why this would be nice is, we
> could use the, to search this
> documentation first.
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