ScreencastTeam video tutorials

Alan Pope alan at
Sun Jul 19 16:16:59 UTC 2009

2009/7/19 Phil Bull <philbull at>:
> We should look into ways of easing or dividing the workload (I noticed
> that that was mentioned on the Screencast team wiki pages). Would you
> mind providing a typical time budget for the creation of a screencast?

It entirely depends on the screencast. For example you could have one
which consists of mostly 'theory' with a few OO.o slides being shown.
This would be lighter on planning than some of the more deeply
technical ones. Some have been really quite tricky to setup. For
example in one screencast I detailed how to do an install from the
alternate CD and showed how to setup the disks with and without RAID.
Now setting up the disks isn't exactly hard but getting the necessary
infrastructure that you can record that reliably and show people what
it will look like on their system needs a bit of thought and quite a
bit of prep.

Another key part of this (for me) is keeping a stable environment
around that I can record on, and a system which doesn't deviate too
much from a standard install. I personally like to record screencasts
showing the default desktop theme, with few if any changes. Perhaps
this is misguided, I know some people get thrown off by different
themes/looks, maybe it's less of an issue than I'm making it.

There's also the question of duration. There's certainly room I
believe for long format screencasts which who (for example) how to do
an installation, and shorter ones which might give a bite sized chunk
of info "How do I find out if my CPU does VT?".

As for timing budget, it's a little hard for me to come up with
anything accurate, but for a basic 20 min screencast.

* Planning - 2 hours
 * Prepping slides, making sure apps work, creating data to use with
apps, cleaning up environment from previous screencasts.
* Video Recording - 0.5 hour
* Editing - 1 hour
* Audio Recording - 1 hour
 * Assuming audio being dubbed on after video recorded and edited
* Video upload - 2-3 hours
 * Depending upon connection, duration and number of formats
* Page creation - 30 mins
 * Completely remove this if we use
* Subtitling - ?? Don't know, I don't do it, but could imagine an hour
isn't unreasonable
* Translation of subtitles - again, I don't know.

These are very rough of course.


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